Easy Lactose-Free Iced Coffee Hack

We partnered with our friends at Highground Instant Coffee to create the coolest easy iced coffee hack. This trick will have you enjoying homemade iced lattes all summer long. The best part? When we say easy, we mean super easy (like you’ve never imagined) and all you need is a few items you probably already have at home. So forget the whipped coffee phase of quarantine. We’ve entered the ice cream cube coffee phase of non-quarantine! Pro tip: fill your whole ice cube tray (or two… or three…) with ice cream for a week-long supply of the unique latte hack. Bored of iced lattes? Experiment with matcha, chocolate milk, Thai tea, and anything else you would normally put milk in. This hack is SO unique, you’ll look like a whiz in the kitchen and start a trend in your family and friend group. Trust us, we already have. 

Time: 5 mins

Servings: 1

Difficulty: Easy

Beckon Flavor Used: Sea Salt Chocolate Chip

You’ll Need:

  • 1 pint Beckon Ice Cream 
  • Highground Instant Coffee
  • Ice Cube Tray


  1. Remove Beckon Ice Cream from freezer and let thaw for 10-15 minutes
  2. Fill an ice cube tray with ice cream
  3. Freeze for 20-30 mins (or until ready to use)
  4. Make hot or iced coffee (or matcha, black tea, or even a smoothie!)
  5. Pop ice cream cubes out of the tray and into your favorite cup or blender
  6. Pour coffee over ice cream cubes, or put everything in a blender.
  7. Enjoy!

Craving the classics? Check out all of our flavors here! Find them nationally at Whole Foods Market and Sprouts, or at a retailer near you. Looking for other fun, gut-friendly, lactose-free, and easy dessert recipes? See more delicious options here!