Welcome to another female founder spotlight as part of the What Beckons You series. We interview female founders we admire about what inspires – or “beckons” them to do what they do!

Today we interviewed Jenny Cawthon, founder of Greenjoy. As a business women, and power mom she is changing the way we look at the relationship between food and our bodies. Check out what she has to say below!

Briefly introduce yourself, what is your name, age, where do you live, and what do you like to do for fun?

My name is Jenny Cawthon, I live in Bluffton, SC. For fun, I goof off with my kids. We have dance parties and play soccer in the yard. For “me” time, I love going for a run along the river, getting creative in the kitchen and spending time with good friends.

What is your company?

Greenjoy. At Greenjoy we are championing the vegetable! We wholeheartedly believe in “Better Food for More People”, and we work every day to make delicious products that are clean label and include innovative flavors and ingredients. We believe you should love what you eat, and that healthy food can and should be delicious. We make it easy for people to fall in love with veggies.

What “beckoned” or inspired you to start your company?

I like what you did there! Greenjoy was inspired by my mother. She is an incredible cook, really well known for her love of entertaining, huge organic garden, and now the inspiration for our products. I grew up in a health-food household. I learned at an early age that eating healthy, good-for-you food can and should be delicious. Growing up, there was no junk food or candy at my house. My mom was organic and green before organic and green were even cool. I laugh about it now; I feed my kids the same way my mom fed us. She instilled in us the importance of the relationship between food and our bodies, and how food directly affects our health. This is what powers Greenjoy every day.

Tell us about your team, and what is your favorite part of leading them?

I can’t say enough about my Team. Our hiring criteria is that every team member has to be a 2+2=7. The Team supports one another and are a very tight crew. It brings great energy to our every day. The Team dynamic is pivotal and is something I fiercely defend. It can make all the difference in the success of a Brand.

What do you think is special and unique about being a female founder?

I think the ‘unique’ and ‘special’ come in what you do with the role. How are we all striving to make the world better and create role models for the next generation of Entrepreneurs. That is where it gets to be really cool. 🙂

What advice would you give your younger self?

Take a breath! I am a big fan of the self care movement. I wish it had been 10 years earlier! Ha. I have always been very driven. It’s important to also remember to take a break and take care of yourself.

What inspires or “beckons” you today in life? In work?

Seeing where our industry is going and the massive change the Food Industry can facilitate for the planet. It all comes back to food and mindful decision making. It’s amazing to be part of it. There are so many champions in our business that are leading the charge. Women in our Industry are taking top roles. Look at Carla Vernon at General Mills as a great example. She is at the top, leading an amazing team and making the world better every step of the way.

And of course, what’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Mint Chocolate Chip, all the way!