How do you know if you’re lactose intolerant?

You just housed a pint of your favorite ice cream and a familiar, but not-so-pleasant, feeling starts to creep in.  If milk and other dairy seems to mess with your stomach, it’s possible that you’re one of the more than 30 million Americans who is lactose intolerant.  

You have all the uncomfortable symptoms

First, it’s important to understand what lactose intolerance is.  It is different from and more common than a dairy allergy.  Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk, due to the deficiency of an enzyme called lactase.  Unlike food allergies, lactose intolerance can be tough to detect because the effects and severity are not the same for everyone but according to Mayo Clinic, if you have any of these lovely symptoms 30 minutes to two hours after you eat dairy, you may be lactose intolerant: 

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea, and sometimes, vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Bloating
  • Gas

Try a lactose elimination diet

A common way to determine if lactose is the culprit for your discomfort is by trying an elimination diet.  Ugh – I know, we hate diets too.  But if you eliminate all lactose filled dairy products from your diet for two weeks and feel better, lactose may be to blame.  Beware of foods that may contain hidden lactose like baked goods, soups, dressings and more. Even trace amounts of lactose can cause problems if your intolerance is severe.  

See your doctor

If you want to know for certain that you have lactose intolerant, see your doctor or gastroenterologist for a hydrogen breath test.  You’ll have to drink a lactose-heavy beverage and your doctor will analyze your breath at regular intervals to measure the amount of hydrogen.  If the lactose is not digested by your body it will produce various gases (yes, we said gas) including hydrogen so if you have enough hydrogen in your breath to power a vehicle (just kidding!), it will indicate that you’re lactose intolerant.

Luckily, whether you’re lactose intolerant or not, Beckon has you covered with delicious lactose-free ice flavors that you can enjoy!