Happy Lactose Intolerance Awareness Month! A time to educate people about a condition that is often misunderstood. Since we’re here to learn, check out these 5 things you might not know about lactose intolerance!

1. You can still have real dairy and cream, lactose-free!

Alternatives are no longer the only option! By using a lactose enzyme or ultra-filtration, you can make real dairy lactose-free. That means, all of the enjoyment and none of the consequences!

2. Certain types of cheese and yogurt might be ok to eat

Some dairy products that have cultures in them have less lactose than others, such as milk or cream. A few examples of these could be buttermilk, yogurt and some cheeses! Plus, some cultures are able to give your digestive system a little boost to help your body digest the little lactose that’s there.  Our founder, Katy, is able to eat cheeses that are low in lactose like Parmesan, Swiss and Cheddar.  Pro tip: seek out the harder, aged cheeses versus soft cheeses.

3. A huge portion of the population is lactose intolerant!

Sorry to all the milk lovers out there!  Experts say that 68% of the world’s population loses the ability to digest lactose at some point. But never fear because lactose-free doesn’t have to mean dairy-free. Products, like Beckon, allow us to enjoy the dairy products we love without the negative consequences.

4. Lactose Intolerance affects everyone differently

Symptoms of lactose intolerance vary greatly from person to person. One person who consumes dairy might have symptoms such as abdominal cramps or diarrhea, whereas another might only experience gas.  There are no studies backing why, but it’s important to keep in mind that no one intolerance is the same!

5. Many dogs are Lactose Intolerant

Just like humans, many canines suffer from lactose intolerance! Without lactase, many dogs are unable to digest dairy products.