Pineapple Upside-Down Milkshake Recipe by Lauren Schulte, @thebitesizepantry

Don’t let summer melt away while we’re all homebound. With the world seeming a bit topsy turvy lately, why not turn it right-side up with a pineapple upside-down milkshake. You can still make a delicious ice cream treat just like you’d get at your local ice cream parlor. The best part is you can treat yourself to a tasty take out treat while enjoying your home retreat. Don’t have pineapple chunks? Don’t fret! Take any of your leftover fruits or back-of-the-freezer finds and blend them together. The only thing you need to worry about is putting on your vacation playlist, picking out your fave fun straw, and diving into lactose free luxury as you close your eyes and take a sip. You see? It’s easy!


  • 2 c frozen pineapple chunks
  • 1 pint of Beckon Vanilla Ice Cream
  • 1 c lactose free milk
  • Coconut milk whipped cream
  • Coconut shavings and extra pineapple for the topping
  • Sugar cone crumbles for topping (optional)


Blend the ice cream, frozen pineapple and milk in a high powdered blender until smooth. Pour into your desired glass. Top with whip cream, pineapple chunks and coconut shavings. And.. voila! A milkshake ready in seconds.